Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas celebrations in office!

in When was the last time you saw a bunch of people enter into a four walled space carrying enough energy to go from zero to high pitch sound in no time. It was one of a kind for me. Observe this, the time of mine in the morning is spent in gloomy state with mind absolutely white as blank paper. Thoughts of what activity should i get involved with, lurking within void brain and right from no where you hear 'jingle bell..jingle bell' rise from the voice boxes of few but enthusiastic people and you pop up your head to know the source just to find dear Santa wishing people and giving chocolates (50 paise cadbury eclairs....i thought Santa is known to give better gifts)..nonetheless, a chocolate to suffice the hunger momentarily. This rather bizzarely sounding event took place sometime around 13:00 hrs. The celebration was continued in amphitheatre, which was around 15 hrs. Saw quite a gathering in the so called ampitheatre of ours. Had few rounds of games and the best part..CAKE CUTTING..altogether a fine ending with few guys taking a stride forward with dancing.

Not a bad thing at all. I wish they would have had something similar for the diwali.

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