Monday, March 24, 2008

The advantages of rain..besides the known ones!

Incessant rain (incessant drizzles shoudl be fine)hitting the city of hyderabad for a count of four days. Weekend plans purged (keeping the spirit of beer alive though), endless sleeps, purposeful drench in the rain are some of the events that took place during the span of the rain-days. The surrounding have been quite dirty, unbearable stench at places, pools of water at places and potholes at places. However, the negatives i might add there have been the positives to the story. Hyderabad has got water now, so there shall not be water problems for atleast a month (considering the timely supply which otherwise was stopped a week ago), the trees are quenched of thirst, the leaves which were brown before the rain are reflecting green thereby adding to the scenic beauty which otherwise is lost in the summer. In addition to all this, there has been a considerable downfall in the leve of dust which occupy the roads frequently travelled. I was travelling this morning in the bus to the office, reading 'India in mind' - a compilation of stories by Pankaj Mishra. Stories, written by writers/ authors from the west who visited india in their time and penned down their experiences during their travel. There was this dug up road which the bus crosses everyday. Apart from the bumps and 'hurts' it used to provide, the dust was gifted to the lungs of the passengers, by the vehicles passing each other. The option left with the passengers would be to shut the window. fine you shut the window but who will shut the door? right. Now that the rain god has graced us, the dust particles have been forced to 'stick' together, form a paste and lie on the road. Inhaling of dust in injurious to health and rain has come to the rescue of the chain-inhalers and make ppl realise the importance of what fresh air could do the body and!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Opulently I agree but I contemplate the collection should secure more info then it has.