Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Where the hell was this song?

One such song was 'I shall be released' by bob dylan. 'Any day now....any day now...I shall be released'. I have been skipping this song for a while. I never liked the first strums of the guitar and was skipping it. That's stupid.eh? That's idiotic. I never allowed the song to progress a little further and for some reason i did that today. I opened my eyes and said...what the fuck? where the hell was this song all this while. The feeling was immense, like i found something i had lost.

The song was so much liked that I played it over and over again. The morning sunlight hitting my handsome face!!! Eyes closed, I stare at the sun. The golden yellow was pictured. The color faded to brown and then black as the bus moved away from the sun. The mind was alive. The usual mind of mine involved in crap thoughts that, perhaps, has no signinficance in any domain of life.

I wake up and the see the office gate. Fuck office and fuck everything else inside. arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

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