Monday, January 08, 2007

My First Blog!

Hello World!

The two words that a newbie to programming language(any) learns to print to the console and i just thought perhaps that could be the best way to start off the first blog to the world! However,i'm not proficient in writing but with tide of time i shall improve and make my blogs interesting.

My first blogggg....what to say..what to write! its just another day after all. Spend time in the cubicle, talkin to people, music around (some of the boring songs are on air). i miss my music very much. i kill time by singing some of my all time fav songs and to others relief (guess u got the sense of my singing talent) some of 'em are played on air at night.

Well not much to say and out of time..need to get out of the cabin and head back home.

Have a great time ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahem...ahem...reading the blog of a guy who s sittin rite next to me..and both of us actually sailing in the same boat!!!
wht to say!!hmmm....
keep writing...good work!